Camping Safety Tips
There’s no doubt that camping is an affordable, enjoyable, and relaxing hobby for many Australians. With picturesque camping spots scattered all throughout the country, camping is an excellent way for us to reconnect with nature in today’s digital age. It’s important to remember that camping has a number of inherent dangers and we must adequately plan and prepare ourselves when spending any amount of time outdoors. A great resource is Parks Australia
To ensure you have a memorable and enjoyable camping experience, it’s paramount that safety is always the leading priority. Being exposed to the elements has a number of risks, so if you’re new to camping then read on to discover our top camping safety tips to ensure you have fun and stay safe in the great outdoors this summer.
Familiarise yourself with your camping gear
A common mistake that campers make is not familiarising themselves with new camping equipment before they arrive at the campground. To avoid spending hours trying to figure out how to setup your tent (and to ensure you’re not missing any vital pieces), practice at home first. You’ll also want to check that torches, lamps, and camping stoves are working properly to prevent any nasty surprises when you reach camp!
First aid kit
Camping is all about leaving the city behind and heading to remote locations to relax and have fun. The downside is that help is far away if any accidents happen so you always need to bring a comprehensive first aid kit with you. It’s likely that someone will suffer at least a scratch or two, so ensure your first aid kit includes anti-bacterial ointment, band aids, bandages, gauze, and pain medication.
Camping near freshwater sources is always ideal when planning camping trips as bringing enough water for everyone can take up a fair bit of room in your 4WD. Being the most essential survival need, every person needs at least 2L of water each day or 5L if they’ll be physically active, so you’ll need to calculate and bring enough water for you and your family.
Sun Protection
Being sun smart is crucial when camping, especially during the summer months. Being directly exposed to the sun, our skin will start burning in around 15 minutes and we all know how uncomfortable sunburn is! Always bring ample sunscreen for you and your family along with plenty of tarps and umbrellas to provide shade during the day. Also, mosquitos thrive during the summer months so bring at least a can of mozzie repellent.
Campfire Safety
Building a fire is an exciting part of camping trips, however they have caused countless accidents and injuries. There are many aspects to campfire safety however if you keep the following safety tips in mind, you won’t have any problems. Firstly, always check for fire bans before starting a fire, only build a fire in designated fire pits, always extinguish your fire before going to bed, have an adult supervise the fire at all times, and never start a fire in windy conditions.
Water Safety
Camping near the beach or a lake is very popular in Australia, so it’s important that you keep the following points in mind whenever swimming. Don’t swim by yourself or after thunderstorms or heavy rain, always read the signage on the water for dangers like shallow water or currents, and always use the feet-first entry technique when entering water. It’s also strongly advised to not swim when under the influence of alcohol.
Bring a Map
While we’re all accustomed to Google Maps on our smart phones to navigate when we’re lost, it’s not so simple when camping in the outback. Phone signals often drop out (along with phone batteries) so you should always bring a map of the area you’re traveling to. Don’t rely on smart phones to navigate when hiking or traveling away from camp. It’s also a fantastic idea to bring spare batteries as well.
There’s no question that being thoroughly prepared is vital to ensure you have a memorable and rewarding camping experience. To make sure you don’t miss any crucial items, make a checklist of everything you’ll need to bring including food, water, and camping equipment. And most importantly, stay safe and have fun!
If you’re searching for any camping gear or equipment to make your next trip more enjoyable, reach out to the experts at TJM Dandenong by phoning 03 9792 1116.